Does Vaping Affect Freediving?

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If you’re serious about freediving and want to stay safe and healthy, then do not vape and freedive. If you’re using a vape to quit cigarettes, seek to gradually wean yourself off both, taking medical advice if necessary.

Vaping is linked to lung damage and could potentially affect freediving. While electronic cigarettes and ‘vapes’ are relatively young technologies, there is already research which indicates a negative impact on heart, lungs and other body parts. Vaping liquids are also not yet fully regulated which makes it hard to be sure about their contents and the impacts they might have.

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If you vape and you’re considering freediving, then this is a good article to read first. We tell you more about diving and vaping and why you should avoid combining them.

Can you dive if you vape?

While no one can stop you from vaping (or smoking) and diving, and more research is needed on such new technologies, there is already enough evidence on vaping and lung health to say that vaping and freediving may be unwise and carries risks for both your safety and your performance.

Vaping may well be less dangerous than smoking but not inhaling any damaging vapor or smoke into your lungs would be best of all.

The exact effect of vaping will depend on the substances you’re inhaling. Some people vape or  use electronic cigarettes with a nicotine e-liquid as Nicotine Replacement Therapy to get off regular cigarettes. This will produce the usual nicotine side effects including raised heart rate, blood pressure and metabolism, none of which bode well for freediving performance.

Even if your vape doesn’t contain nicotine, e-liquids are not fully regulated, and their exact contents may be difficult to determine. Vaping could have unexpected impacts on your lungs and other parts of the body.

The pressures experienced by the heart and lungs during a freedive are tremendous. Your body will be fitter and better able to handle these challenges if your heart and lungs are able to work efficiently and at full capacity, without being impacted by toxins and contaminants.