Health and Exercise

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What Muscles Does Freediving Work? 

Freediving training and practice works muscles throughout the body, building physical and mental strength and resilience. As a sport, it gives a good overall workout. To boost your freediving performance, you could add leg and arm strength exercises to your training program, along with regular apnea and deep breathing exercises to train your diaphragm, intercostal …

What Muscles Does Freediving Work?  Read More »

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What Happens To Your Body When You Freedive? 

Despite the major demands it makes on the body, freediving can be a very safe and healthy sport when practiced in line with safety guidance and mastery of physical techniques including apnea and ear pressure equalization. At the same time, some medical conditions might raise the risks of freediving to dangerous levels. People with lung, …

What Happens To Your Body When You Freedive?  Read More »